Independent Reading - 2nd Quarter


  1. Critical Reading Journals - find the description of the assignment on the Critical Reading Journals page.
    • Due Dates
      • Journals # 1-3 - January 8, 2015 (45 points)
      • Journals # 4-6 - February 18, 2015 (45 points)
  2. Presentations - will take place beginning on February 18, 2015. The specifications and requirements are listed below.
    • Must be in PowerPoint or some other type of program that allows for you to do a visual presentation on the Smartboard.
    • Presentation must include at least 7 slides on the following items:
      • Author information
      • Characters - Protagonist, Antagonist, and any other main characters that are relevant
      • Theme
      • Main Events
      • Quotes - at least two major quotes from the novel
      • Setting(s)
      • Tone / Mood
    • Your presentation should take no more than 5 minutes. Due to time constraints, if it goes over 5 minutes you will be stopped.
    • The selection of presentation order and dates will be randomly chosen the week before vacation.
    • Even though you might not present on the first day, your file is still due on that day along with your full Critical Reading Journal.
    • Please bring your presentation file on a flash drive, CD, or e-mail it to me. If you e-mail it to yourself, it will be considered late.
    • Grade
      • Powerpoint file - 30 points
      • Presentation - 10 points
      • Time - 10 points
      • Total - 50 points

Below is a list of assigned books for the independent reading assignment.

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