Dear Juniors (soon to be Seniors),
First off, I don't know when you will be reading this… assuming it is after your Armenia trip: how much do you miss it already? Best place ever! Honestly, I'm still shocked that Mrs. Kirkman even let me write this letter to you guys because of how terrible I've been in her class. I have been the reason for all her headaches, and, for that, I apologize. Totally worth it, though. There are three easy steps to having a fun, easy time in 12th Grade AP Lit and I will try my best to explain them to you.
1) THE ALMIGHTY GUIDE TO PASSING THIS CLASS: SPARKNOTESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! It is God's gift to man. Whether it's the night before or during recess or during the period right before Lit, Sparknotes can potentially save lives. Mrs. Kirkman, I have not read ONE page of work this past year. On the real, though, if you want to actually do well at the end of the year read all the books. (Who am I kidding? SPARKNOTES BABY!)
2) Do all the homework! Yes, this is not a way to slide through the class with ease. However, she, like Satan, does not allow make up work. My parents literally almost disowned me throughout the year because I had 3 missing assignments for Mrs. Kirkman from the first week of the quarter to the last because I could not make them up. Don't be stupid, do the homework.
3) HAVE FUN! It's your senior year! Mess around, tell jokes, make fun of each other in class. Lighten the atmosphere. Sure it is an AP class, sure there is a lot of work; who cares?!?!? Mess with Mrs. Kirkman a lot! Read the plays in funny voices, talk in accents, talk to each other from one side of the room to the other, have insiders, sit by your friends, laugh.. A LOT.
I honestly had a blast this year. A lot of people - who will remain nameless - warned me not to take the class. I'm glad I did. Enjoy your senior year… and continue the tradition of being Mrs. Kirkman most hated class.