Dear 2016 Seniors,
You are literally a blink of an eye away from ending your high school careers, and trust me it flies by. Most of you were probably in AP English Language last year, which mean you know this class is no joke. In all honestly, I hated AP Language, with all its terms and technicalities. AP Literature, however, is the complete opposite. This class tapped more into the creativity of the English language, as we read about different topics. Some of the fictional works really get you thinking and open your mind to different perspectives. As a possible English major, this was one of the more enjoyable classes for me. However, what you will remember most from this class is the memories you make with your friends, the stupid, hilarious comments people make while reading a story that is far out, and fighting over who gets to use the randomizer on the smart board. I know all of you are going to be stressed out over graduating and colleges, so my advice to you is; CALM DOWN, none of it really matters. I am not saying this because I am bitter about not getting into UCLA (well kind of), but because wherever you end up, you will eventually reach your end goal. Sure it will not be the generic route, but it will be your own. I would not have done a single thing differently this year. So I wish you little geniuses luck, although you are all probably far smarter than us! PEACE OUT!