Congratulations! You made it to your senior year!
Basically, I am writing this letter to you because I started experiencing "senioritis" way too soon, and I am in desperate need of extra credit. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to stay on track, and not become influenced by the laziness of your peers (even though it is incredibly difficult to avoid).
Beginning the year, you will be reading plenty of novels and poems that have bizarre themes and motifs. As for the existentialism section, good luck! Honestly, I still did not understand the meaning of existentialism, because it was incredibly irrelevant and creepy (sorry Mrs. Kirkman); another reason why you should not fall into senioritis.
The most important part of this class is definitely FORUMS and WORDLY WISE! There has been various times where I did not complete my forums, and that had a negative effect on my grade. In other words, do not ever miss your forums (remember it is every Thursday night!!!). You may think by just missing one it will not really harm your grade. YOU ARE WRONG! That statement is completely false, because once you miss your first one, it DOES NOT STOP afterwards. Additionally, for some of you, it might seem as though it is pointless to attend school during your senior year, but trust me, you will regret it, because there is going to be plenty of work to make up in the end (especially in AP Literature).
Other than the obvious, completing every assignment and paying attention in class, enjoy your last year, because you will never get the chance to regain these memorable moments, and have fantastic teachers and classmates just as those in Pillbos.
Good luck to everyone (: and see you all in CSUN.